Collective Nouns

Read more about ‘Collective Nouns’ Collective Nouns Worksheet 7 (pdf file)

Look at the words below. Find the correct word for each group name:

kangaroos, musicians, peacocks, sticks, buffalo, stars, trees, snakes, soldiers, owls, players, wolves, leopards, coins


·          A troop of ___________________

·          A pride of ___________________

·          A parliament of ___________________

·          A herd of ___________________

·          A galaxy of ___________________

·          A pack of ___________________

·          An orchard of ___________________

·          A den of ___________________

·          A squad of ___________________

·          A team of ___________________

·          A leap of ___________________

·          A collection of ___________________

·          A bundle of ___________________

·          A band of ___________________

Last modified: Sunday, 22 December 2019, 12:34 PM