
Read more about ‘Homophones’ Homophones Worksheet 2 (pdf file)

Select the correct homophone to complete the sentence.

•   Vendors (sell / cell) vegetables on every Monday.

•   I have (four / for) kittens.

•   She has become (week / weak) due to illness.

•   Class III (one / won) the match.

•   Give me (eight / ate) mangoes.

•   My parents (aloud / allowed) me to go for picnic.

•   Stars twinkle in the sky at (night / knight).

•   Mrs Sharma’s (sun / son) studies in grade III.

•   She borrowed (some / sum) money from me.

•   I went (to / too) the mall yesterday.

•   This chair is made up of (steel / steal).

•   What's the train (fair / fare)?

•   When did you (break / brake) the window?

•   My uncle decided to (buy / by) a new car.

Last modified: Sunday, 22 December 2019, 12:04 PM