Articles (Use of A, An, The)

Read more about ‘Articles (Use of A, An, The)’ Articles (Use of A, An, The) Worksheet 2 (pdf file)

Put ‘A’, ‘An’, or ‘The’ in the spaces.

·          Tia is looking at _________ world map.

·          He is giving her _________ ring.

·          They had _________ accident.

·          _________ umbrella is _________ useful thing.

·          She came here _________ hour ago.

·          My brother is in _________ classroom.

·          Selena has got _________ purse.

·          We have _________ beautiful garden.

·          Can you give me _________ envelope, please?

·          He waited _________ hour.

·          Dia bought _________ dress today.

·          He is reading _________ magazine.

·          We are going to _________ beach.

·          _________ Taj Mahal is _________ beautiful building.

·          _________ sun rises in _________ east.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 December 2019, 10:55 PM